
July 1, Thursday

Day as usual all around. Spent the A. M. reading, choring, &c. Grass fearfully short. If it don’t rain soon, will be out of everything. Bro. [John] Solomon brought over some three or more quarts of cherries for which I gave him 30 cents. P. M., at two was at Cramer’s Spring. No one else there. Looked about for a place for meeting. Found some that would do. Called at Sister Solomon’s. They could or would not speak English. I went to sleep on the porch. Went out again. No one came. At 4, left and went home and spent the evening in reading, &c. Harvest time. People all busy.

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July 2, Saturday

Morning cool and cloudy but the day cleared off with no rain. Planted a few more potatoes. Garden vegetables still growing and looking healthy. Men are cutting the wheat on the place. Harvest is nearly past, this being the twelfth day since they commenced at the wheat. The field is generally good. The quality very good. Picketed Blackhawk in the wheat stubble as gleaner. Read in the Atlantic, making a finish of it for July. Evening, bathed, wrote, squared up accounts for June and was agreeably surprised to find the receipts over $40 ahead of expenses.

July 3, Sunday

A very warm day. At Sabbath School after opening. Only one new scholar. Gave out the awards—all but two. Boys inconsistent. Still the school doing well. Whole number scholars 53, officers 10. Preached at 11 with a little more life that for two weeks past. Some 36 present. P. M. at Quindaro. Took charge of Sabbath School. Doing very well, still increasing. Preached as usual with better success than A. M. Near one hundred present. Took tea with Bro. Youngman. Came home in the All wrong. Preached to the Wyandotte Indians.

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July 4, Monday

A quite pleasant day. Having been invited out as Chaplain of the celebration at Muncie, repaired to the ground at ten A. M.  Found some 1,000 people present. Everything passed off quietly. Oration by Gov. [William] Walker very good. Took dinner with Grinter’s & Co. After dinner the usual toasts and prosy speechifying. 2 P. M., some getting drunk of bad whiskey and as it moreover threatened rain, concluded to go home. Did so. A little shower of rain in the evening. Wife fearful all day lest we be attacked by bushwhackers. Nary whacker.

July 5, Tuesday

Awakened by rain upon the roof. Quite a hard shower. Spent the A. M. in hoeing beans, cabbages, corn potatoes, &c. They all seem thriving despite the drouth. Took it barefooted like old times. P. M., went with wife and babies on a visit to our neighbors. Called at Crowell’s where we found also Shoup on the way. Called at ——, a war widow whose mother, Mrs. Watkins, is a church member. Returned near six minus our supper. I am ready to vote all fashionable calls a bore. Looked like rain again, but passed around elsewhere.

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July 6, Wednesday

A very warm day. Spend a good portion of it in hoeing and replanting corn. First planting almost an entire failure. The little that came is from 2 inches to two feet high. In the evening, went up to Quindaro. Called at P. O. and got Missionary Advocates and Pub. Doc. Ft. Pillow Massacre, &c. House lighted up late. Crowd came in later but came to the tune of 50 or more of men & women. Noticed in the crowd some 3 or more shoulder straps. Had considerable liberty in prayer. Moderate in speaking. Night cool. Dark coming home.

July 7, Thursday

Another warm day. More corn hoeing and planting with but a poor prospect of realizing anything for one to have. Last planting of beans are up nicely. Wife been suffering intensely from neuralgia for some two days or more. In evening, went into town. Got a letter from Br. C. M. He speaks discouragingly of the crops. Received also Central, Western, N. Western, and [Ladies] Repository. No special news. Attendance at prayer meeting small—only four besides the preacher. Came home. Evening pleasant but dark some. No guards out this way.

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July 8, Friday

Another warm day. As Mrs. Marlatt is unable and we have no maid of all work, it devolves upon me to wash. This labor has taken up nearly the whole day inasmuch as there was a right smart chance to be did. In the evening, hoed a few rows of corn. Find my hands quite sore though not so bad as last night. We are having a pretty close time to live—eating the bread and drinking the water of affliction. No cow, no milk, no butter, no hardly anything save a hope and longing for a good time coming.

July 9, Saturday

Awoke with a sore hand—a festered blister at the root of the first finger. Opened it. After the morning chores, spent the A. M. in reading and tending babies while Mrs. Marlatt ironed the clothes. Got the last mess of greens—tame mustard tops. Opened the last—supposed to be—can of peaches, just good yet. P. M., procured wood for another week. Hauled it up in the baby wagon. Looked out sermon and hymns for tomorrow. Did up writing in my diary a week. Roads dry and dusty again. Wanting rain badly. Blackberries ripening.

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July 10, Sunday

Morning cloudy. A smart shower twixt 8 and 9. Went into town by 11. No one at the church save a little boy on the platform. A young lady came and went away. An old gentleman came with whom I conversed till 12. No Sabbath School. No service! Fair weather Christians. Went straight up to Quindaro. Took dinner at Sister Moore’s. Sabbath School some 47 present, prospering finely. Preached at 3½. Some 60 present. Had moderate liberty. Rested awhile and came home at 7. Found Willie had had a spasm. Was yet very weak.

July 11, Monday

A warm day. Finished hoeing corn. Was notified of the death of Sister [Ellen J.] Watkins and requested to preach a funeral discourse at the house of his daughter in the afternoon [see Funerals Performed]. Had a visit from Sister Moore of Quindaro. Willie still quite unwell. In the P. M. at 5 o’clock, preached to some 25 persons and went to the grave and read the burial service. Got home just at sunset. Wife scolding because we have nothing to eat—and worse still, nothing to buy with. Must stop that discord.

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July 12, Tuesday

A rainy day. Went into town. Got Western, N. W., and Central. Some excitement on the street because of bushwhackers. Bought some medicine for Willie. Got glass cones for the lamps—also chimneys three. Called on the Brethren [and] made known my state of destitution. They raised $8. Bought some rice and oil and salt. While in town, a hard shower of rain fell. Got wet and muddy going home. Lost the N. W. and Gazette. Wife cheered a little with the fact that the righteous are never forsaken, though cast down.

July 13, Wednesday

Rain! A soaking, pouring, long steady rain all night long. First one in 3 months. The ground is thoroughly wet. Went into town again. Got flour and meat and sugar. Came out through rain again. Rain prevented our meeting as for agreement to fix a place for holding meeting. In evening, it broke away and the sun shined. Went to Quindaro, took tea with Bro. Sarter. Some 19 out at prayer meeting. Talked to them with some liberty. Rebs reported across the river. Stayed with Bro. Sarter. Somewhat tired out.

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July 14, Thursday

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Typical report published in Eastern newspapers

A pleasant day. Rode down to riverbank and looked across. Saw “Nary” Reb. On the way home, bough some Hungarian seed and sweet potato plants for which I paid all the money I had. Brought them home and planted the potatoes. Found the soil quite wet. After dinner went into town. Got N. W.  Stopped with Dr. Moore to tea. Major Gen. [Samuel R.] Curtis came down on a boat in quest of bushwhackers. Said he cleaned them out last night at Camden Platte county, Mo. Only three at prayer meeting. Met the guard as I came out home. Engaged a team to plow.

July 15, Friday

A warm day, oppressively so. Started out right after breakfast in quest of plow and harrow, team, &c. to put in Hungarian. Plow, &c. of Cramer. Crowell done plowing by nine. Put me to harrowing in buckwheat. Took the team near ten and went for plow some 2 miles to Woodman’s. Got back at 12½. Dinnered. Ran out a land. Plow rusty, ran lightly. Cleaned & scoured it. Did very well now. Got ¾ of an acre done by sunset. Felt very tired—almost think my undertaking unwise if not worse. Shoup called at night on a hunt for his cow.

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July 16, Saturday

An awful hot day. Laid out a band of ¾ of an acre. Got nearly half done by 9 A. M. when bad luck broke the plow. Began to think my job a dear one and possibly a sin inasmuch as I have ceased to trust God’s promises although he has never failed me hitherto. Tried to splice, but it wouldn’t work. Concluded to sow what I had plowed and quit farming, do my duty, and trust in the Lord for horse feed as well as other necessaries. Made a finish and took all things home. Bathed and did up my journal.

July 17, Sunday

A very hot day. Got to Sabbath School late. Whole attendance 25. N. T.’s 3, F. 4, N. S. 6, F. S. 12. Distributed Missionary Advocates and talked to the students. Attendance at Divine Services very slim—only 20 in all. Had some liberty in holding forth the word of life. P. M., preach in the grove at the appointed place to the Wyandots and others. Some 50 were present—about one half Indian women and children. No Indian men, some 10 white men. Left an appointment for four weeks. But little prospect for much spiritual growth among the Indians that I can see.

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July 18, Monday

Another oppressively hot day. Hoed a little in the garden. Everything is growing finely. Have rented the log house and the family of six moved in today. Tried to prevail on the man to sow some buckwheat. He agreed to conditionally. Willie & Charlie both unwell and exceedingly restless both day and night—almost wholly depriving me of sleep. Mrs. Marlatt exceedingly fretful as a consequence and much in need of grace. Night very warm and children wakeful & cross. Domestic bliss has its crosses as well as —–

July 19, Tuesday

The day warm as usual. Went into town. Found the package of books. Had no money to pay freight $3.75. Was permitted to open and take out some albums. Could not effect a sale. Night come on & the books remained in the office. Church hymns &c. did not come. Children sick. Wife cross as usual under such circumstances. Am trying to be hopeful against hope. Vegetables are growing well and yet I don’t think farming is my forte just now. It don’t pay at all.

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July 20, Wednesday

Not so warm as heretofore. Spent the day in various labors such as hoeing, getting wood, and washing the clothes. In the evening, went up to Quindaro. Took supper with Bro. Sarter. Some 35 or 40 out at meeting. Held forth in the usual style with hardly usual liberty. Came home in the night. A bright moon. Nevertheless it was a tiresome, lonesome ride. Found a number of refugees from Missouri. Some going into business for the time on this side of the Muddy.

July 21, Thursday

A pleasant day. After doing the morning chores, went into town. Bro. [Francis] House advanced money to pay freight on books. Delivered the Sabbath School books over to him and Bro. Kellogg. Sold three of my albums at one dollar advance on the Cincinnati price retail. Took supper with [Ranson] Chalk. The prayer meeting but poorly attended—only five being present. Took into consideration the best means to raise money to pay for the Sabbath School books. Concluded to sell the S. Singer at 30 cents each. Came home by moonlight. Found no guard out. Home at ten or after.

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July 22, Friday

A fine day again. Finished hoeing and wooding. Went into town again. Made a few calls. Consulted with officiary about sending for a [   ] book. Thought not best to do so. Had books brought out home. Looked & inquired after Sal. Nary Sal did I find. Bought some crackers for Willie. Also got him some medicine. Saw the citizens in a military undress parade. Got home before sunset. Received the books. Opened and put them in my library. Children quite cross. Wife ditto. How long?

July 23, Saturday

A nice day. Was aroused from a deep sleep last night by wife on account of disturbance in the hen roost. Went & found & killed a skunk. He had bushwhacked a hen which I dress for eating. Plowed out corn, &c. Sowed a few turnip seeds, borrowed some sweet milk. Find myself affected with back door trot—diarrhea. After supper—of which I ate next to nothing, one cracker, I went into town again. Got the Central and some medicine for Charlie. Engaged a darkey girl to stay with Mrs. Marlatt during my absence on a contemplated trip. Baby no better.

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July 24, Sunday

A warm day as usual. Attended the Sabbath School. Not very large attendance. Some new scholars. Only a dozen at preaching. Organized the class. Seven present. Came home to dinner. Left at 2 P. M. Colored girl came in the morning to stay for two or more weeks. Was at the Quindaro Sabbath School. Attendance good. Distributed papers. Twixt fifty and sixty at preaching. Had usual liberty. Went out to Delaware Church and spoke with Bro. Duncan by the way. I stopped at Rev. James Ketchum’s.

July 25, Monday

A warm day again. Started for Leavenworth at 7 A. M. and arrived there at 11½ A. M. Took dinner with Bro. [Daniel P.] Mitchell. Hitched pony to a wagon. Worked tip top. Failing to borrow, we went to Jim Brown and hired buggy and harness for two horses. Got off at 4 P. M. and drove to Easton by 7. Saw Bro. [Benjamin F.] Bowman and drove on out to the Scott farm by dark and spoke & stayed with Bro. McClure. Blackhawk worked like an old stager. Were welcomed & well cared for. Tired & sleepy enough.

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July 26, Tuesday

Slept till after Bro. [Benjamin F.] Bowman arrived. Breakfasted & off somewhat late. Spoke Brother Prentice by the way. Got some provisions for selves & horses at Grasshopper [Falls]. Went a few miles beyond & fed. Crops nearly everywhere in need of rain. Refused water for horses at the wells by the way. Got to Holton by 5 or 6 having shot some snipes & quails. Stopped with Bro. Hoagland. At 8, Bro. [Daniel P.] Mitchell lectured on education in the Courthouse. Not many out. Not waked up on the matter. Beginning to shake themselves though.

July 27, Wednesday

Had a meeting of the leading men at 8 A. M. Drew up a paper and they went to work in earnest. Took dinner with Bro. Horman. In the evening drove over to Circleville. Found the natives wide awake. Have a good offer for a seminary. Bro. Mitchell lectured. Took a collection of $19.15. Host of people out. Couldn’t near all get in the house—Brother [William] Knipe flourishing like a green bay tree. ¹ Bro. [James S.] Griffing came down as our escort for the rest of the journey. Treated like nabobs.

¹ “flourishing like a Green Bay tree” has its origins in Psalm 37:35 of the King James Version and it means “to prosper greatly.”

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July 28, Thursday

Struck out northwesterly across the prairies for Lincoln [Nemaha county]. Shot some birds by the way and arrived at near two P. M. Met some of the Brethren & friends. Prospect not very promising. Was bored out of all patience by the disinterested benevolence of an old Cambellite lawyer who wants us to build him a town on the prairie for the half. We didn’t see it that way. Small crowd at night. Bro. [Benjamin F.] Bowman preached on the Old paths. Bro. Mitchell exhorted, and I took a collection $1.60. Stopped at Bro. Griffing’s [near Lincoln].

July 29, Friday

Went over to Home Town—alias Centralia. Met the principal citizens who made us the best offer they could—to finish the present building in two months in which to open a school, build one worth $6,000 within five years, and give them all the land, &c. to the M. E. Church to the amount of ten and twelve thousand dollars. A fair congregation at night. I lectured on Education followed by Bro. Mitchell in his usual style. Collection $1.05. A nice plain, but no town. A seminary building up but no children to go to it.

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July 30, Saturday

Drove down to Seneca. Brother Mitchell shooting some birds by the way. A live town we found. Was sent to the best hotel where we fared sumptuously. Had an informal talk with some of the citizens on the matter in hand. Found them not prepared to make any definite offer nor hopeful enough to make one. They are building a schoolhouse with the intention of having a graded school. Bro. Mitchell lectured at night to about thirty persons. No great interest waked up. Took a bath and slept better for it.

July 31, Sunday

Attended Sabbath School. Attendance small. Singing awful and general superintendence execrable. Bro. Mitchell and I each taught a class after which he talked to them. Bro. Mitchell preached at 11 A. M. to a crowded house in his usually telling way after dinner. The lecture to the S. S. Teachers & parents in which he gave some good hits. At night Jonah [myself] had to preach. Like the country through which we had passed the way—dry. Collection $2.10 to which was added $2 more for a Parlor Collection in the Hotel. A good attendance and good order the whole day. A quiet, thriving country town.

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Marlatt’s Expense Record for July 1864

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